Release 7.24.08



  • New triggers available: Ticketing - Task closed, Tasks - DataStore parameter was reloading too long, Tasks - SSP task was running too long, Tasks - Studio task was running too long

  • You can now define a timeout on a web service definition

  • There are 2 tabs added on the "Tasks" page: "Studio tasks" and "DataStore parameters to reload". These tabs show the studio tasks and the parameters configured to be reloaded. This gives you a central overview of the scheduled tasks configured in SSP

  • Parameters reloading longer than 1 day are now force (virtually) stopped



  • The copy of a duplicated process that already had retired versions linked to it was also shown in the list of "Retired version" of the original process (this had no impact on the workflow engine)



  • A warning is shown when you use the same internal name for a part in the same template

  • A button next to "Parameter" is added on the edit part screen, so you can go directly to that parameter

  • BB code options are extended with image, video and h1 to h6 tags. Images or videos can be selected from the documents list of the service, or any URL

  • The ACL "Core data" - "Relations" is now replaced by 2 separate ACLs: "Relation as child" and "Relation as parent". The available rights for these are View, Add, Edit and Delete. You can optionally specify the other template and / or an extra condition script where you can use the parts on the relation

  • Performance improvements in fetching the relations via ServiceCatalogInterface (summary and detail)


  • Deleting a service without documents generated an error in the logfile



  • Studio tasks running longer than expected are now force (virtually) stopped



  • The newly added BB code options are also supported by the CMC module

Last updated