Service Details

The service details page allows you to see the details of a service and the edit fields that are allowed to be edit at that time.

The service details page allows you to edit service attributes. You will see a number of tabs. Which tabs are displayed and what label they have depend on your specific configuration. Please go to the SSP Admin, General Settings, Service Catalog page to edit the tabs that should be displayed. Use translation labels to change the text displayed on the tabs.

Below is the default set of tabs available:

  • General

    • Overall service settings

  • Service Data

    • Fields defined in the template on which the service is based

  • Contracts

    • Define the contract partner of the service: provider and customer(s)

  • Actors

    • People involved in maintenance and approval of the service lifecycle

  • Receivers

    • Properties of users that are allowed to order this service

  • Targets

    • SLA objectives of the service

  • Support Groups

    • Support groups to deliver support on the service

  • Relations

    • Relationships with other services, both up and downstream

  • Requests

    • Request forms related to the service

  • Quality Notes

    • Remark placed on the service and feedback given on those remarks

  • Publication History

    • History of publication requests and the outcome of related approval flows

  • Documents

    • Documents linked to the service

  • Log

    • Overview of textual and relational updates on the service

Be aware that there are no Save or OK buttons. All changes done to fields or relations are immediately saved in the database.

Last updated