Exercise : Create a new form

In this exercise you will learn how to create a new form. The new form to be created is a Incident registration form and should contain the following questions:

  • Short Description

  • Long Description

  • Priority

    • In case of Priority 1 selection, a warning should be shown that the service desk needs to be called as well.

  • Affected application

    • This is a list with applications from the datastore, filtered by the person's profile

With this exercise you will learn the following competences:

  • Understand Category - Topic - Form structure

  • Create a new form

  • Add fields to a form

  • Build sections with conditions

  • Use datastore parameter

  • Filter a datastore parameter in a field

  • Make use of person properties in forms

Create a new form

To create a new form, go to the Admin menu (/common/admin/admin.aspx) and look for the 3 links named "Topics", "Forms" and "Shops"

Create Topic

Click on Topics. If you haven't created a Topic yet, click on + Add New Topic and create a new Topic there. A Topic is the second hierarchical element beneath Category. Forms are always linked to a Topic and a Topic is always linked to a Category.

Create your Topic and give it any name you want, link it to an existing Category. Make sure that the people using the form have access to the Category and Topic you select.

Create Form

If you have created a Topic, go to Topic details by clicking the pencil icon underneath the Topic name. If you just created a new Topic, you'll be automatically in the Topic details page.

Go to the tab "Forms & Shops" to see all forms currently existing within the Topic. Use the button "+Add New Form" to create a new Form

On the General Settings tab, you now can configure how the form should behave. Make sure to keep the default values and set the following additional options:

  • Live on website: On

  • Topic: Select the Topic in which you want to locate the Form

  • Internal Label: Give your form a unique id. In this example we'll call it "IncidentForm". Be informed, that not all character will be accepted in this field. The label should be unique within your instance.

  • Title: Give your form a friendly name for each language that you're using

  • Description: Give a more extensive description for the form. This text is used on the overview page where people select the form they need.

Click Save to create your Form.

Add fields to the form

Go to the tab called "Fields" to add questions to the form.

Click the button "+Add New Field"

At the top of the page you can select the type of field you want to add. Our example form should have the field Short Description, which is a Text Field (Single Line). Choose that field type and continue to Internal Label, to give the field a unique identifier.

The internal label is an important field. If you want to reuse the value entered in a field, you need to refer to the internal label of a field. Not all characters are accepted in the Internal Label field. Choose the naming carefully, so that you later know to which field you are referring. In this example we name the field "ShortDescription".

Keep all settings as default, except for the following fields:

  • Label: This field contains the description of the field as shown to the user of the form

  • Placeholder: Type here the text to inform people how to use this input field

Save the form. You now have created your first field.

Repeat this process for the following fields:

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