Parts (Fields)

Define Parts (fields) within a template to configure what kind of data should be collected for a service based on this template.

Click the Add new part button on the Fields tab of a template definition

Basic tab

On the Basic tab, the overall settings of the field can be done.




The field name as shown to the service editor

Internal name

The unique identifier of a field

Help text

The text displayed to the service editor to provide help with entering data into this field


Type of field

Value is different per language

When this option is set to Yes, the service editor can provide content in this field per available language

Essential phase

Defines the phase in which the field will be mandatory. Please note that unti a service gets published, mandatory fields are suggested to be filled in. Only when a service gets published, the fields really need to contains a value

Default value uses calculations

See calculations option explained

Default value

Define the default value for a field. You can use references to other fields.

Advanced tab

Use the advanced tab to set additional options for the field. The advanced tab differs per field type.



Read-only when published

Set to yes in case you don't want the contents of this field to be changed after a service gets published

Max. length

Maximum number of characters allowed in the field

Regular exp.

A regular expression that should be valid for the contents of this field. This allows you to enforce certain contents in the field.


Lowest value allowed

Max. value

Highest value allowed


Select the reusable content category that you want to display in this field

Last updated