Event triggers
Event triggers allow you to start a webservice or javascript, when an event happens in SSP / Pergapedia.
List of events
The list of events is changed continuously, and covers various topics:
Person impersonated
Business unit added
Business unit removed
Custom request completed
Name changed
Part changed
Person added
Person changed
Person group added
Person group changed
Person group removed
Person removed
Phase changed
Relation added
Relation removed
Tag added
Tag removed
Template changed
Type changed
Unique Id changed
Version created
DataStore parameter was reloading too long
SSP Task was running too long
Studio Task was running too long
Delegate for actor in step added
Delegate for actor in step removed
Step actor ended
step actor started
step ended
step started
Task closed
Task message added
Ticketing fields changed
Day changed
Hour changed
Web services
Web service call failed
Setting up a new Trigger
To set up a new Trigger, you need:
an Event when the trigger happens
Web Service call: Webservice that has to be performed when the event appears.
Specific conditions for the trigger has to be coded in the web service.
A trigger has to be performed when a person is added to a specific custom actor. without conditions in the webservice, the event trigger based on the event "person added" will perform always by adding a person to an actor. The condition must be that the event trigger may only perform when a person is added to the specific custom actor.
Example 1 : a PI is added to a service
Purpose: When a PI is added to a service, some actions need to be done. In this example the CV and GCP has to be added to the documents of the service.
To set this up, the event trigger can be set up with:
Event: Person changed
Web service call: JS - Event trigger for PI selected. (link to dev: https://dev.ssp7.smt-x.com/Common/admin/WsCallAddEdit.aspx?genericid=442)
In this Web Service, the needed specific code has to be adapted:
internal name from the actor in the Service. When this actor changes, the Event trigger will be excecuted.
process that will be started from the web service if the condition is fulfilled.
name of the event trigger from wich tis web service is started.
This webservice starts a Process "PI selected" that performs the necessary actions. The process is adaptable as wished. link to dev: https://dev.ssp7.smt-x.com/workflow/Admin/ProcessAddEdit.aspx?genericid=440
The steps "Save CV in temp" and "Save GCP in temp" get the documents from the person details to be used in the next steps.
Last updated
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