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Groups allow to form a set of individual users. These Groups can be used as Actors in a Process Step, and are also used to distribute Granular Ticket Access.
Each Group contains members, and a Group Manager. The Group manager does not get the same rights as the Members, but has the right to edit a Group (adding & removing Users). Any Manager of a Group can access his Groups under My Profile > My Groups.
Groups are managed in the Manage Groups section of Person & Accounts. All Groups in SSP 7 can be viewed, added or deleted in this module.
When a new Group is created, the Administration rights need to be set as well, this is done under Roles > Access Rights.
The table gives an overview of all current Groups, Description, the Manager and the number of Members. It also gives the status and offers Edit & Delete Actions.
The General Settings tab contains the following configuration setting for Groups:
Name : Enter the Name for the Group. We advise to use simple names, as they need to be entered when using the Group as an Actor or when assigning Granular Ticket Access.
Manager : The name & email of the current Manager of the Group is displayed. This value can be empty. Click on SELECT OTHER USER to change or insert a Manager.
! The Manager does not inherit the assigned ticket rights or is added to the Actors when this Group is used in a process. If this functionality is needed, please add the manager also as a Member, using the second tab.
Short Description : enter a description to explain the meaning of this Group, or offer any additional information for other Administrators. Please note that this information is not shown to Users at any time.
Task assigned to this group triggers integrations: This option works in combination with Ticketing tasks. Setting this option has the following impact:
The group can only be used within Ticketing Tasks
3 processes should be linked for the processing of events that may occur when the ticket task is assigned to the external group.
Search for a User, using First Name, Last Name and any other field as set in the User Data Settings ( under 'Adapters > User Data ).
The second tab allows to manage the list of Members of the Group.
Export all : This button is clicked to export all current members of the group into an Excel sheet. The exported file can be edited in Excel and imported through the import function.
Import : Provides the possibility to quickly import members for a group from an Excel sheet. In order to have the correct format of the Excel file it is advised to first use the export function to create an Excel sheet and further edit this sheet.
When importing an Excel sheet, there is the option to only add the people in the excel sheet, or to clear the current list of members and set the ones loaded from the excel sheet as the members of a list. The file used for import requires the following columns:
First name
Last name
Unique ID
In this Unique ID column, the unique identifier of a person should be stored. In case of LDAP authentication, this is the content of the LDAP field selected on the LDAP adapter settings tab under "LDAP unique ID field".
Add member : the standard People Search interface is shown :
Search for a User, using First Name, Last Name and any other field as set in the User Data Settings ( under 'Adapters > User Data ).
On the roles tab it can be configures which security roles get additionally assigned to users in case they are member of the group.
This security role will be added on top of all the other roles the user already has. In case a user leaves a group, the role will not be granted anymore at the next login.
An additional tab has been added to the user group overview page to include the list of access rights when a group has been assigned roles.
And for Roles, the export function has been added.
Click on to Create a new Group, or edit to change an existing Group.
Use the button to export all members of all the groups into an Excel sheet.
Use delete to delete a Group.
When clicking on , the standard People Search interface is shown :
The search results are shown below the Search box, click on to select the User of your choice to become the Manager of this Group.
Use the button to save the changes or stay on this screen.
Use the button to save the changes or stay on this screen.
Use the button to discard any changes.
Current Members : shows all Users that are currently part of this Group. Use delete to remove a User.
The search results are shown below the Search box, click on to select the User of your choice to become a Member. You can add 1 person at a time.
Use the button to save the changes or stay on this screen.
Use the button to save the changes or stay on this screen.
Use the button to discard any changes.