Release 7.21.12



  • You can now filter on the group status (active / inactive) on the edit role page

  • You can now add SSP tasks that can execute a JavaScript file. You can specify the location of the file and which extra interfaces you'd like to use in the code.

  • A group manager can now edit the group email address, set the "Send mail to mailbox when group is actor of a step" flag and edit the custom person group fields via his/her profile



  • In some cases, the date(time) field didn't parse a German date correctly



  • You're now able to start a ticket using the JavaScript interface (see the wiki)

  • A failed "Execute JavaScript" step can now set to be retried (as with the Webservice Call)

  • Added an option to redirect the search tickets page and process instance detail page (when you use a custom ui)


  • Custom step actions of type "Change request form" with the option "Also submit current step" and where the target step was the current step didn't submit that step.

  • When using the "Change request form" step action, submitting the form didn't check the "IsSubmitting" flag, which could lead to multiple step instances in edge cases

  • A jump step that had a multiplier step as the target caused a loop



  • On some environments there was an older unused dll in the bin folder which caused the application to throw an error. Removing the dll fixes the issue, and now we've also updated the web.config so the dll shouldn't be an issue anymore



  • You can now use the service actors as data source for the selection fields in the template parts

  • Help text for parts are now multilingual

  • You can now specify extra fields/parts for the documents

  • These parts can be used as a filter when using the documents as source for the selection fields in the template parts

  • You can now add a document, update a document field/part and delete a document via the webservice api

  • You can also set a document to be undeletable

  • There are multiple methods added to the JavaScript interface. You used to be able to only fetch the published services, you can now also fetch specific versions of a service and the working copy of a service. See the wiki for more info

  • Preparations have been made to only show template tabs for people with a certain role. Currently not available to be configured via the UI (will be in upcoming releases), but if needed we can set some things manually so please contact us for that.


  • Tab sorting issue in edit template

  • The first tab wasn't always selected on the information tab in the public

  • Multiline text parts weren't rendered correctly

  • There was a timing issue when using a cascading combination of default values and visibility rules

  • You can now clear the selected value of a yes/no field using the default value settings



  • Preparations have been made to allow an application to be used without being logged in to SSP. Currently not available to be configured via the UI (will be in upcoming releases), but if needed we can set some things manually so please contact us for that.

Last updated