Exercise : Create a new Role

In this exercise you will learn how to create a new Role and assign it to a user. The new Role to be created allows to access:

  • The form we created in the previous excercise

  • Write access to all tickets from the process we created in the previous exercise

With this exercise you will learn the following competences:

  • Create a role

  • assign rights

  • assign to a user

Access the Roles

Create a new Role

Click on + Add New Role.

Create your Roleand give it a name, enter a description if you want. Do not mark the checkbox next to 'Default Role', because then every user will get this new Role automatically assigned. We want to give this Role only to some selected users.

Click on Save.

Set the Access Rights

Open the tab 'Access Rights'. The screen will then give you a complete overview of all elements inside your SSP environment, where rights can be assigned.

Assign rights to a form

Open the section 'Access Rights for categories, topics, forms and shops.

Find your created form and change the dropdown in front of it from 'No Rights' to 'View' This will aloow the Users that have this Role to see the form, when they acess it via a direct link.

Of course we need to allow the users to navigate to this form, so scroll up, identify the Topic to which your form belongs and assign 'View' rights. A topic belongs to a category, so also set the rights to 'View' for the category where this topic belongs to.

NOTE : do not set the rights on the red lines, that assign rights to all forms/shops inside the Topic or category.

Assign rights to tickets

To assign write-access to all tickets of your process, open the section 'Access Rights for processes'.

Find your process, and check the boxes next to:

  • Write Access to Open Tickets

  • Write Access to Closed tickets

Assign rights to navigation items

Open the setion 'Access Rights for navigation items'

Check the navigation tiles that yo want the users, holding this Role, are allowed to see.

Save the Role

Click on Save to store your assigned rights.

Select the Users for this Role

Go to the tab 'List of Users' and select some users that are allowed to have this Role.

Select the Groups for this Role

Go to the tab 'List Of Groups' and select a group that you want to grant this Role to.

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