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On top of the general settings page, you can see the current version of the installed software and database.
Under the version, you can find the number of people with active sessions on SSP. It could be that these people are not actively using the system, as sessions remain active on unused tabs of your browser.
The License Key enables the licensed modules of SSP 7 and gives access to the portal for the number of user licenses purchased. When additional user licenses are purchased, a new license key will be issued to replace the existing license key.
SSP uses caching for performance reasons. Below you will find the explanation for DataStore Caching and Settings.
DataStore Cache
The Datastore is used to centrally store parameters, that can be used in fields or processes. A typical example is a drop-down field in a form. The values of that drop-down field are coming from a Parameter in the Datastore. For performance reasons, this data is cached. When a parameter is updated, the new values are not reflected immediately in the form or process. This is due to the caching mechanism. You can set the Datastore Cache time to maintain the cache for a specified duration of time in minutes.
Setting the Cache Time for the Datastore.
In the General Settings of the Admin panel select find the section "Datastore Cache Time (minutes)."
Enter the required value in minutes. In general, we advise a setting of 15 minutes.
Click SAVE or OK to save the settings.
Settings Cache
General Settings are also cached. You can set the Settings Cache time to maintain the cache for a specified duration of time in minutes.
Setting the Cache Time for the Settings.
In the General Settings of the Admin panel select find the section "Datastore Cache Time (minutes)."
Enter the required value in minutes. In general, we advise a setting of 15 minutes.
Click SAVE or OK to save the settings.
Rights Cache
Access rights are also cached. You can set the Rights Cache time to maintain the cache for a specified duration of time in minutes.
Setting the Cache Time for RIghts.
In the General Settings of the Admin panel select find the section "Datastore Cache Time (minutes)."
Enter the required value in minutes. In general, we advise a setting of 15 minutes.
Click SAVE or OK to save the settings.
Manually clear cache
In order to manually clear the complete cache, please use this url in which you should replace <ssp> with your local SSP url: http://<ssp>/Common/unloadCache.aspx?type=All
This sections contains information about all other settings on the General tab within General Settings.
Admin Only Mode: Set this option On to only allow users with admin rights in one of their roles to logon to the system. This setting is typically used when you are upgrading the system and want to test before granting all users access.
Page Size for Process Overview: Sets the number of processes shown on the admin page of the processes
Page Size for admin overview pages: Sets the number of lines shown admin pages that support paging
Send added as delegate e-mail: When set to yes, a person is informed in case the person is added as delegate by someone. Please check the mail templates page to set the correct e-mail template to send.
Disable partial rendering: When enabled Ajax functionality is disabled (it is advised to keep this setting off) • Enable mobile auto redirect: With this option on, SSP will automatically recognize if someone accesses the portal with a mobile browser. When that is the case, the user is redirected to the mobile pages. Please note that a mobile browser is recognized based on the resolution.
Navigation position: This setting allow to position the navigation menu on non-dashboard pages. For example on request form pages.
Top buttons position: This setting changes the position of the logout and profile buttons in the header. When modifying your CSS settings, this setting may be useful for better positioning the buttons.
Max # of persons records in search: Set the maximum number of persons you like to receive listed when searching for persons. When this setting is too high, it may take long time to load the list of persons in case of poor filter conditions.
Minimum # of characters to enter in global search: The search box in the header will only start a search when the number of characters set in this field have been typed as search criteria. This option can be useful to improve performance.
Show search box on every page: When enabled, the search box in the header is available. When disabled the header does not contain a search box.
Show search link in navigation: When enabled, the links at the bottom will include a search link • Local Path to the SSP UserFiles Directories: Use the button "Resolve directories" once after installation, to let SSP know where to find the SSP files on the local drive. This option is used to find uploaded documents and images when on the local server the global DNS name is not available. • Public URL to SSP Site: URL that users normally access to get to SSP. This setting is used when sending links to SSP in for example email messages.
Local URL to SSP Site: URL that the server can use to find SSP modules on the server. You can leave this empty in case the server can access in the same way as public users.
Load balancer URLs To SSP Site
(Used by each node to connect to all other nodes, to clear cache): This is a list of URLs to the root of the SSP Web Site (1 URL per line). It should point to the parent directory of the common and forms directories. Leave empty if no load balancer in place.
Address book parameter: Select the datastore parameter you would like to use as address book. Address book is used in Workflows to set commonly used fixed actors.
Address book name field: Select the field from the parameter selected under "Address book parameter" that contains the e-mail address of a person
Filter person search in public: Select the columns on which the list of persons should be filtered, when searching for persons by non-admin users in the public part of SSP. You can select multiple fields. The persons in the search results will have the same value in the selected fields as the currently logged in person.
Base style on this user attribute: You can make the stylesheet used depended on a person property field. By default de customer.css file is used. In case this option is enable, the system will try to find the css file called customer_.css. When found, it will be used.
Wysiwyg Editor skin: Select the skin in which the HTML editor is shown • Wysiwyg relative upload path: Select the path where uploaded files in the HTML editor should be stored.
Allowed upload extensions: Select the attachment types allowed to upload within forms and workflow steps.
Maximum allowed upload file size (MB): Set the maximum size of attachments uploaded
Disable cleanup of filenames on upload: By default SSP removes spaces from file names and replaces them with underscores. Enable this option to use the original file names.
Extra scripts in bottom: Javascripts placed here will be included on all SSP pages. Use the setting on the dashboard tab to only include scripts on the dashboard page.
If necessary, the cache time can be set or cleared manually when required. Click on to perform this action. This will update all connected fields and values in SSP 7, without the need to wait for the standard Cache frequency.
If necessary, the cache time can be set or cleared manually when required. Click on to perform this action. This will update all connected fields and values in SSP 7, without the need to wait for the standard Cache frequency.
Please note that in order to send e-mail messages out, a task should be configured and scheduled.