Search options

Various search functions exist within SSP 7. The following options can be configured for these search functions:

  • Number of persons returned from search query

  • Show Search box on every page

  • Show Search link in navigation

  • Default Search for non-admin

Person Search Limits

You can define the number of people that are listed when searching. A list that is too long is useless and slow, the user should refine the search query.

Setting the Maximum number of Person records in search results.

  1. In the General Settings of the Admin panel select find the section "Max # of person records in search".

  2. Enter the required value. In general, we advise a setting of 50.

  3. Click SAVE or OK to save the settings.

This setting has affect on the search results while selecting another person to submit a request and to the Person/Account configuration in the Admin panel.

Searchbox on every page

By default, a search box in displayed in the menu bar of SSP 7. Users are able to search for request forms and submitted requests with this search box. If this search option is not required, the search box can be removed in the following way:

  1. In the General Settings of the Admin panel find "Search box on every page".

  2. When the checkbox is checked, the search box is displayed. When unchecked, the box is removed.

  3. Click OK or Save to save the settings.

By default, a search menu option is displayed within the menu bar of SSP 7. Users are able to search for request forms and submitted requests with this search menu option. Administrators can search for submitted processes. If this search option is not required, the search menu option can be removed in the following way:

  1. In the General Settings of the Admin panel find "Show search link in navigation".

  2. When the checkbox is checked, the search menu option is displayed. When unchecked, the option is removed.

  3. Click OK or Save to save the settings.

The search box within the menu bar is used to search for request forms and submitted requests. When users type search criteria within this Search Box SSP 7 will automatically start a search for Request Forms. By default, the scope of this search is limited to the names of forms. This default setting can be changed, so that the scope of the search is changed.

  1. In the Settings of the Admin panel select the Workflow tab and find "If default search is forms, default type:".

  2. Select the value Form Title to only search on the names of forms. Select Form Title & Description to search on the names and help text provided with the forms. Select Form Title, Description & Content to extend the scope further and also include Form Field Labels and Help texts.

  3. Click OK or Save to save the settings.

Last updated

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