
The Goto module allows you to offer users a friendly URL that redirects them to for example a request form.

Add new 'Goto'

Click on the Add link button to create a new goto link.

  • Link: The friendly name that should be used behind https:///Goto/....

  • Full url: Shows the url for reference and copying

  • Valid From: Time and date from which on this URL is valid

  • Valid to: Time and date until this URL is valid

  • Redirect to: This mandatory field contains the target URL

  • Hide url: By setting this checkbox, users will not see the redirect to url, only the friendly name url

  • Redirect to when expired: Set a url to which SSP should redirect in case the goto link is not valid

  • Hide url when expired: Option to hide the "Redirect to when expired" url when used.

  • Statistics: After saving a new URL and when editing an existing goto url, SSP will show statistical information how often a URL has been used and when it was used for the last time.

Last updated