
Several fields have the option to use calculation. This page explains how that works

In case a field has the option to use calculations, an option like this is displayed:

When a calculation is activated, the Service Catalog software is expecting an NCALC function within the field. An NCALC function is used to give a field conditional content or to format data in the proper format.

CONCAT('Text',UPCASE('small text'),' Example')

The example above concatenates 3 strings together and additionally sets the middle string in upper case characters. The example only contains fixed text strings. Within the service catalog, it is possible to reference to template fields. For example:

CONCAT('ServiceId: ', #REPLACE-SERVICE-ID||#, ' currently in phase ', '#REPLACE-SERVICE-PHASE||Name#' )

The above example contains 2 variables, in this case the service Id and the service current phase. You can select these fields from the dropdown list below the edit text box:

For more information about the available NCALC functions, please visit the SMTX wiki pages.

Last updated