Release 7.21.01


Various improvements

  • A new version of the Telerik ASP.NET webcontrols we’re implemented

  • We optimized the Oracle driver settings. This is when you use Oracle as database for SSP and also when you use Oracle as the source for a datastore parameter.


Various improvements

  • There’s now a “Reload entries” button on the “Entries” tab when editing a datastore parameter


Various improvements

  • In the admin section, the “preview” buttons for datastore parameter en webservice now open in a normal new window instead of a popup

  • When importing a form that had a field of type Date that referred to another field of type Date to compare it’s value with had sometimes lost that reference. This is fixed.


Various improvements

  • In some cases the update of a request form of a process instance triggered a deadlock, this should not occur anymore

  • Added an option to check the process instance rights for the logged in person via a different method. The default method used two tables and two stored procedures, those procedures manage the data in those two tables. The other option is to use two views instead (so no deletes and inserts or records are required). It depends on your local configuration whether the default option or the other option is best.


Various improvements

  • When a task is closed the ticket status will not be updated when it’s “Waiting for customer”

  • It wasn’t possible to submit a workflow step through the ticket detail page when that step had an external form field defined as required


Various improvements

  • The connection string isn’t required anymore when importing items using an internal connection


Various improvements

  • When importing a process without a title (possible when the default language is different on source and target system), the process is always treat it as a new one.

Last updated