
The Dashboard is the Homepage of SSP. The overall settings of the Dashboard can be set under Admin/Settings/Dashboard. Here you can configure the following parameters:

  1. Page Size for Views. Enter the number of records to display per page. Selecting the number of records to display for each page will depend on user preferences and system performance. Please note that a high number of records per view will have impact on the performance of the dashboard. When you experience a long load time for the Dashboard, try to lower this value. We advise a value between 10 and 20. This setting also defines the number of search results under Search Tickets.

  2. Maximum Page Size for Views Enter the maximum number that can be set for page size.

  3. Message Category on top When there are messages grouped in categories, it can be configured here,which messages group will be the first. Select the desired Category from the drop-down.

  4. Quick requests cache time If the admin adds or removes a form to ’quick settings’, it is not displayed immediately.

  5. Remember view expanded state If one or more of the Views is/are expanded by the user, his settings will be kept and the next time the Dashboard is visited, all previously expanded Views will be expanded automatically.

  6. Disable drag and drop in left and right sides Dashboard elements can be dragged and dropped by default. With this option that behaviour can be disabled.

  7. View Count Cache Time (seconds) Set the amount of seconds to cache the view counts on the dashboard. A higher number improved performance.

  8. Disable View counts This option allows you to disable view counts in general.

  9. Views grid skin and Views loader skin These two define the look of the Dashboard

  10. Always collapse My Drafts By default, the My Drafts View is always expanded. When this box is checked, the View will be closed.

  11. Extra scripts in bottom (only dashboards) You can define javascript here that will only be added to the dashboard page.

Last updated