External Integrations

Assignment groups that have the "Task assigned to this group triggers integration" marker set on the General settings page of groups, can be used to trigger an interface with an external service provider. Groups that have this marker set will be called "Integrated Groups" further down this documentation.

  • When a task is assigned to an Integrated Group for the first time, the process defined as "New assignment process" on the General settings page of groups is started.

  • When a task is re-assigned to an Integrated Group (external reference number is not empty), the process defined as "New assignment process" on the General settings page of groups is started.

  • When a task receives a update text, the process defined as "Update message process" on the General settings page of groups is started.

  • When a the assigned to an Integrated Group is closed, the process defined as "Closure process" on the General settings page of groups is started.

It is allowed to use the same process for each of the events. Within the process the exact event can be retrieved through external app field values. You can find external app fields under Lookup of External App Field. In case these external app fields are not available yet, please use the button labeled "Sync the external app fields" on the General Settings page of ticketing.

There are multiple Ticketing apps defined. You will find per app the following information:

  • Ticketing.TaskAssignment: This app contains all Ticket and Task fields in case you are processing a New assignment event in your process.

  • Ticketing.TaskClosure: This app contains all Ticket and Task fields in case you are processing a Closure event in your process.

  • Ticketing.TaskExternalAcknowledgement: This app contains all Ticket and Task fields in case you are receiving an external ticket reference confirmation.

  • Ticketing.TaskExternalReassignment: This app contains all Ticket and Task fields in case you are receiving a solution from the external system.

  • Ticketing.TaskExternalUpdateMessage: This app contains all Ticket and Task fields and the update message text in case you are receiving an update message from an external system.

  • Ticketing.TaskUpdateMessage: This app contains all Ticket and Task fields and the update message text in case a message has been entered within the ticketing module.

Please note that app fields are inter-exchangeable. Which means that a reference to for example Process Id, is the same for all apps.

The field "external request type" (#REPLACE-EXTAPPFIELD-Ticketing.TaskAssignment-Task_ExternalRequestType#) contains the event that has occurred in the Ticket Task. This field allows you to have a single process, processing any of the Task events. The field "external request direction" gives information about the direction of the event. Possible values are In or Out.

The following values can be found with the Request Type field:

  • Submit Request (In case a new assignment is done) - Direction: Out

  • Reassigned (In case the task is reported ready). This event can occur from the webservice method http://servername/Workflow/Webservice/WorkflowService.asmx?op=ProcessInstanceTaskExternalReassignment or through inbound email. Direction: In

  • Resolution Rejection (In case the button decline solution is clicked in a task after a solution was received from the external provider). Direction: Out

  • Update (In case an update text has been manually entered in the task) - Direction: Out

  • Update (In case an update text has been added from the external system). This event can occur from the webservice method http://servername/Workflow/Webservice/WorkflowService.asmx?op=ProcessInstanceTaskExternalUpdateMessage - Direction: In

  • Reassigned (In case the task is closed by the external system) This event can occur from the webservice method http://servername/Workflow/Webservice/WorkflowService.asmx?op=ProcessInstanceTaskExternalReassignment or through email - Direction: In • Closed (In case the task that is currently assigned to external group is closed manually within SSP) - Direction: Out

Setting the external reference number

To add the ticket number received from an external system to a task, there are 2 methods:

  • Inbound email

  • Webservice update

Inbound email

Please read further under inbound email configuration how to set the proper email tags for processing an external ticket id through email.

Webservice update

The system provides a method through its webservice that allows the setting of the external Id. You can use the method "ProcessInstanceTaskExternalAcknowledgement" for setting the external reference number. For more information, check this url in your local setup:


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