Forms Setting

Forms are organized under Topics in the Self Service portal, which in turn are organized into Categories. For more information on topics, please read the chapter "Topics". Topics are accessible via "New Requests" and then selecting a Category. When a Topic is opened by the end-user, a list of forms and the Topic Homepage are shown one below the other. In Settings/Forms, the order can be configured. By default, the forms are shown first and then the Homepage content. To change this setup do the following.

  • Show Topic homepage first and forms/shops under it: Setting where to show the topic homepage

  • Open homepage panel by default: When enabled, users will first see the homepage when opening a topic. When disabled, users see the forms within the topic.

  • Default label cell class: Use this option to predefine which CSS class is used on the question part of form fields. After setting a class here, new fields will get this class set by default.

  • Default value cell class: Use this option to predefine which CSS class is used on the answer part of form fields. After setting a class here, new fields will get this class set by default.

  • Breadcrumb and Cancel return to: This setting allows you to manage where users are redirected to when clicking the cancel button. The request Platform is the list with Topics.

  • Share templates by person groups: When enabled, persons can share templates with people in the same person group as to which the logged in person belongs to.

  • Disable form changed check on navigating away: When completing a form and the form is not yet submitted, but fields have been filled in, SSP will show a warning that data will get lost. This option allows you to disable this warning message.

Last updated