Release 7.23.07





  • The admin changes to a form are now being saved in a log, in the same way as it is for processes





  • We will discontinue the default public user interface. The current user interface will be provided as a studio application and can be altered to your own needs. The admin user interface remains the same.

  • A new rights mechanism is being implemented and this release contains the first parts of that. The mechanism works with ACL's (Access Control Lists). Within templates you can define ACL records to configure what data can be seen by the logged in user. ACL's are configured per scope. Examples of scopes are notes, documents and parts. The first batch of scopes is shipped with this release. ACL's can now be defined for granting access to compare versions, custom actors, document, document part, quality note, quality note type, review cycle log and review cycle type. For these scopes, ACL records are added with the upgrade script en these ACL records mimic the old mechanism.

    The old mechanism is being used for the other scopes, these will be implemented in the next releases.

  • Added an option to always convert tags to lower case

  • Added an option to disable the review cycle completion button when the service is locked

  • The active tab will be reactivated when you refresh the edit service page

  • Added more options for the review cycle start date


  • When linking tags to a service the casing of the tag was not checked on the client side, which was confusing as the tag was not added in the database but was shown in the UI




  • When using an extra interface in a variable that was used in a task, the extra interface was not available

Last updated