Ticketing Views

Ticketing views are used to list tickets. There are 4 out-of-the-box views available:

  • Tickets for my groups. This view shows all tickets assigned to a group for which the current user is registered as member

  • Tickets for me. This view shows all tickets assigned to the currently logged in person

  • Tasks for my groups. This view shows all tasks assigned to a group for which the current user is registered as member

  • Tasks from my groups. This view shows all tasks related to tickets assigned to a group for which the current user is registered as member

Besides views, the ticketing module also provides search result lists for tickets and tasks. All featured described for view are available for these search result lists as well.


All columns in a view can be sorted in alphabetic order. Both ascending as descending. Click on the sort icon to set the sorting to the clicked column. Click again to change the order of the sorting.

Modify Columns

The default set of columns shown in views can be changed by clicking the "configure columns" button on top of each view and search result list.

Last updated