Create a new template

Create a new Template

  1. Go to the Service Catalog Admin pages

  2. Click on "Catalog Maintenance" in the menu

  3. Choose Templates

  4. Click add the button "Add new template"

Be aware that services are based on a template when they get created. The template can't be changed afterwards.

It is advice to keep the number of templates limited.

Now you can create a new template. The Name field is mandatory, all other fields are optional.

Below is an explanation of the options while creating a new template

This tab contains the general settings of the template




Enables or disables the template for creating a new service

Always hide in public

When enabled, Services based on this template will not be visble in the public pages

Service name

Free text makes it possible to give a service a free-text name

Dynamic Value allows you to make use of template fields to calculate the name of the sevice. This is useful in case you have a naming convention and what all services to have a similar formatted name.

Service name format uses calculations

See calculations option explained

Service name format

Contains the definition of your service name. You can use calculations and refer to fields within the template. This allows you to for example create standardized names like <Location Code><BLANK><ProviderShortcut><BLANK><ShortName>

Service summary contains html

When this is set to yes, the contents of the summary field is not encoded while being displayed on the public pages. That way you can include formatted text in your summary

Service summary uses calculations

See calculations option explained

Service summary

This field is displayed at the front of the Service details page. You can include reference to other fields and build your summary with field references.

Service default type

Select the service type that you want to have set by default when a service is created based on this template.

Service type readonly when published

When this option is set to Yes, a service based on this template can't get its type field changed anymore.

Confirm message on publish request

This field is used to provide information to the person publishing a service based on this template. The message typed here is displayed immediately after publication is done. It can be used to for example inform the person what will happen after publication.

Confirm message on unpublish request

Define a custom message to show when a service based on this template gets unpublished

Confirm message on delete request

Define a custom message to show when a service based on this template gets deleted

Last updated