Auto Forms

General Settings

In the General Settings of an Auto-Form, information on how to trigger the auto-form can be defined.

Title : Define the name of the Auto-Form.


On the Schedule tab the time interval for the auto-form can be defined.

Active : Define if the auto-form is active. When the auto-form is not active, the scheduler application will not check this auto-form.

Start Date : Define the period of time in which the auto-form should run.

Interval : Define the frequency of the current auto-form. Please note that if this frequency is set higher (more often) than the Scheduler application is triggered by the Windows Scheduled Task, the frequency of the scheduled auto-form will be the effective interval.

Next Run : Shows if/when this auto-form will run for the next time.

Is Running : Shows if the auto-form is currently running.

Last Run Results

On the Last Run Results tab, information about the last time this auto-form has run is displayed.

Last Run Time : Date and time on which the auto-form ran for the last time.

Last Run Status : Shows the result of the last time the auto-form ran. When completed successfully it will show Success.

Last Run Output : Shows possible error messages that were returned in case the auto-form didn't complete successfully. The error message should give an indication on where to search for the reason of the auto-form failure.

Last Run Process : Shows the process map by clicking the ` Click here to open ` link.

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