Text (Area) Field

When the type of Field is set to 'Text Field (Single line)', the groups displayed on the General Settings tab is different. The Field Settings: input masks group contains the following options:

  • Input Mask: Define and check what is entered by the User. Select which type of information is required in the Field.

    • All : no input check required

    • Numbers : only numbers are allowed

    • Email: a valid email needs to be submitted. SSP 7 will verify if a '@' and a '.' are present

    • URL : a valid URL needs to be submitted. SSP 7 will verify if 'http://' is present

    • Regular Expression : use a regular expression to check validity of the entered information. More info on regular expressions can be found on the wiki : http://wiki3.smt-x.com/index.php?title=RegularExpressions

  • Maximum Characters : set the maximum number of characters for this Field. Spaces are also counted.

  • Text Area Settings: Columns : set the number of Columns ( width of a field ). On average, 45 is an good width for a text field

  • Text Area Settings : Rows : this is not used for a single line text field.

  • Repeatable : this is not used for a single line text field.

  • Text Transformation : SSP can auto-convert the entered text. This transformation is done right after the input by the user, so the user sees the change in the form. These options are available:

    • All Uppercase : transfer from 'text' to 'TEXT'

    • All Lowercase : transfer from 'tEXt' to 'text'

    • Trim Left Spaces : remove any spaces on the left, at the very start of the entry

    • Trim Right Spaces : remove any spaces on the right, at the very end of the entry

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