

Actions are the Action forms that are presented to the users in the top-menu, next to the service name. Please note that you can only add 'Use' rights, meaning that the link to the form is shown in the list. You can not set additional rights within the form (like read-only) with this ACL. We can help you out with additional javascripting to pass on a custom ACL to the form, so you can build sections inside the form, displaying different behaviour. Please contact SMTX for more details.

Compare versions

Impact: display of 'Compare version' buttons where applicable. In the list of services, where services from different templates are shown, the button is also hidden.

Core Data

This ACL groups a number of scopes, that affect the 'General tab', and other built-in fields inside a service. The rights are always VIEW or EDIT. The list consists of:

  • Banner: Field on tab 'General'

  • Changed since publication flag: This allows the user to remove the message that a new publication is required within the service.

  • Current state: Field on tab 'General'

  • Customer approval persons: tab 'Actors': built-in Actor

  • Customers (contract): tab 'Contract': built-in field

  • Edit person groups: tab 'Actors': built-in Actor

  • Editor persons: tab 'Actors': built-in Actor

  • Icon: Field on tab 'General'

  • Manager: tab 'Actors': built-in Actor

  • Name: Field on tab 'General'

  • Outages: tab 'Outages'

  • Owner: tab 'Actors': built-in Actor

  • Owner deputy: tab 'Actors': built-in Actor

  • Phase: Field on tab 'General'

  • Provider: tab 'Contract': built-in field

Create new


This ACL type is used for special cases, like passing on Rights to Action Forms. Please contact SMTX for more details.

Custom Actor

Note: 'All unspecified' relates to all custom actors that have no other ACL defined to them. Via 'Items' you can choose to implement the ACL for all custom actors, or limit the list.

Data part

This ACL sets VIEW or EDIT rights on Parts (Fields). Please select one or more Data Parts as Items within this scope. Note: Tabs are in a seperate ACL.

Data Part Value

This ACL allows to grant access to specific items (selection option) from a selection field. Only parts that have the datastore as source and are of type Checkboxes, Dropdown list or Radio buttons are supported. Select the Part, and then enter the value in the 'Item'-field. If no 'Data Part Value'-ACLs are defined, all possible items (choices) are visible to all users. After entering 1 item, you can press ENTER to add an additional line.

Data Tab

This ACL sets VIEW or EDIT rights on Tabs within the Fields. Please select one or more Data Parts as Items within this scope. Note: Rights in the 'Fields'-tab are distributed from the bottom up. So the rights on Fields overwrite rights on Data Tabs.


This ACL covers all documents within a service. If a detailed ACL is required on a document part, for example 'Category', then JS will need to be created in 'extra condition script'.

Document Part

This ACL manages security over the fields (or 'parts') that were created for documents. Note: 'All unspecified' relates to all document parts that have no other ACL defined to them. Via 'Items' you can choose to implement the ACL for all parts, or limit the list.

Document Part Value

This ACL allows to grant access to 1 specific item (selection option) from a selection field. Only parts that have the datastore as source and are of type Checkboxes, Dropdown list or Radio buttons are supported. Select the Part, and then enter the value in the 'Item'-field. If no 'Data Part Value'-ACLs are defined, all possible items (choices) are visible to all users. After entering 1 item, you can press ENTER to add an additional line.


Show the DUPLICATE button to the selected Persona(s).


Show the Log tab to the selected Persona(s).


Show the PRINT function to the selected Persona(s).

This is sometimes referred to as 'download', and is activated via this icon:

Quality Note

This ACL manages security over the quality notes for the service. If a detailed ACL is required on a quality note type, for example 'IT Notes', then JS will need to be created in 'extra condition script'. lf. The screenshot above shows an example where a person can only Edit the note text for Notes that the user created him/herse

Quality Note type

This ACL manages which types can be selected by a user.

Request entry

Show entries on the Publication tab to the selected Persona(s).

The publicaiton tab can also be renamed to ‘Request history’.

Review Cycle Log

This ACL controls access the view and/or add entries in the review cycle log.

Review Cycle Log Type

This ACL manages which types of Log entries can be selected by the Personas.

Review Cycle Part

Show selected Quality Note parts to the selected Persona(s).

Root tab

This ACL manages which top-level Tabs are shown to the selected Persona(s). These tabs are:

  • General

  • Service Data

  • Contract

  • Actors

  • Receivers

  • Targets

  • Support Groups

  • Relations

  • Relations via knowledge article

  • Documents

  • Requests

  • Notes

  • Publish history

  • Log

Support Group Part

Show selected Support Group parts to the selected Persona(s).


Triggers are actions that result in a ticket being started within the selected process. With this ACL, you can identify which Triggers are usable by the selected Persona(s).

Last updated