
Sections are used to only display questions under certain conditions. Within Sections, conditions are defined that decide if the Section is active or not. When Active, all questions defined within the section will be displayed. Fields can individually be linked to sections.

  • Condition X : a Section acts upon the entry of a value in one of the fields defined in the condition. Every time a parent field has a change in value, the condition of the sections is evaluated.

  • Connector: Conditions build up the rule(s) so SSP 7 can decide if the Section needs to be shown or not. A Condition is made out of multiple Conditions, each Condition represents a rule. The Rows work together by using the different states in the Connector ( AND & OR)

  • Field(s) to compare : Select a option to set as the source for the comparison.

Options: Person Field: Any information from the Requestor or the Requested For can be selected. These fields are defined under Admin > Adapters > Person Data.

Form Field: The drop down list shows all questions. By selecting a question, all fields of the parameter become available. The selected column will be used as default answer of the current question.

Main/Sub Form Field: When Subforms are used in a form, use this option to select it, and see the Fields belonging to it. This can be used both when defining the main form, as well as the sub form.

Base Form Field : When a form is used in a process, you might want to use a field from the form that was used to start the process. This is where you can select those fields.

Process Instance Variable: when a form is used in a process, you have access to the Variables that are defined in that process. Select the process and the variables are presented for selection.

Repeatable section index : when using repeated sections, you might want to know the sequence number of that section. use this option to implement it in your form (for example to show the number of entries).

  • Operator: Set the comparison ( =, <, <=, >, >=, different,contains, not contains)

  • Value: the value against which the comparison is made. For DataStore fields, the values from the DataStore are displayed. For text fields, free text can be used as condition.

Section Settings

Section Indent : the value entered in the field 'Indent String' will let the questions inside the Section move to the right. You can for example add spaces in the entry field, to move the questions a few character widths to the right, thus making a distinction with the questions outside of this Section.

Repeatable : check this box to make this section repeatable by the user. Upon checking these options are available:


The other required input are the Translations, called 'labels' in the screen below:

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