
This page allows you to configure which persons and/or groups have a responsibility in the maintenance of the service. The following can be configured:

  • Service Owner

    • Person identified as service owner

  • Service Owner Deputy

    • Person acting as deputy of the service owner

  • Service Manager

    • Person responsible for the operational execution of the service

  • Editor Persons

    • Person allowed to edit the details of the service.

    Be aware that the service owner (deputy) and service manager can also edit.

  • Editor Groups

    • Groups allowed to edit the details of the service. Please check the SSP documentation ( for details.

  • Technical Approval Persons

    • Person allowed to approve technical details

  • Technical Approval Groups

    • Groups allowed to approve technical details of the service. Please check the SSP documentation ( for details.

  • Customer Approval Persons

    • Persons allowed to approve as customer

  • Customer Approval Groups

    • Groups allowed to approve as customer. Please check the SSP documentation ( for details.

Please be aware that technical and customer approval can be renamed and used for other type of approvals. You may define your workflow in your desired way and use both groups at your convenience.

Last updated