Person Data

For various reasons it is convenient to have information available about the person that is currently logged into SSP 7.

For various reasons it is convenient to have information available about the person that is currently logged into SSP 7. By default the person's First Name, Last Name and E-Mail address are stored. To store additional information about Persons, custom fields can be added on the User Data tab. Custom user fields can be used in Forms, Processes and Views.

User Account Database Query

Configure here the source to use for your person data. Any database connection can be made.

  • Connection Type

    • Set the type of database connection. Choose internal to go to the own SSP database

  • Connection String:

    • Configure the connection string to your external source. Not needed in case you are connection to the local (internal) database

  • Single User synchronisation query

    • This query is executed whenever a person logs into the system. The query retrieves the most accurate data of that person. Make sure the performance of the query is good, as it is executed quite often

  • Bulk Import query

    • This query is used to synchronise the basic fields from your external person source. Typically this query is execute once per day. A scheduled task will take care of the query execution.

  • Inactive persons first

    • When this option is set, all persons will be set inactive prior to running the bulk import. That way, people missing in the bulk import will remain inactive.

Datastore usage in person fields

Configure here the datastores you'd like to use to retrieve additional person information from. Make sure that the used datastore has the person uniqueid available in one of its columns.

Person Fields

Custom fields can have their source in one of the installed adapters, LDAP or the data store. To add new custom fields click on the ADD button. Now provide a name for the custom field as it will be known within SSP 7. Then select the source of the field and finally the name as how the field is known in the source.

Below is an example on how user data fields can be combined from multiple sources:

You can use a number of sources to load person data from like LDAP, your Person database, a datastore or a custom calculated value.

Calculated value

Use the option custom to build your own piece of code to calculate a person field. You can make use of Ncalc functions here if you want. That gives you also the possibility to use the ncalc function callwebservice, to retrieve additional person data from external sources.

Placeholders: $person_id$, $person_firstname$, $person_lastname$, $person_email$, $person_uid$, $person_ExtraFieldName$

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