Process Steps

Workflow Overview Page

When Editing a Process, the key page is the "Edit Steps" tab. This is where you will graphically build your process and edit it. It offers a clear overview of the workflow.

Below is a typical example of such a screen :

Possible Actions on this screen:

  • Click on addstepto add a new Step

  • Edit : Change the details of the selected Step

  • Delete : Delete the selected Step.

  • Click on 'Click to edit parent' to move this step to another path or the root.

Admin log of process.

- Click on SEARCH to filter the list of changes below

- Click on REFRESH to refresh the list of changes.

Step: General Settings

Click on the title 'General Settings' to define the General Settings for this Step.

  • Step Name : Enter the Step Name. This entry is shown to the Users on the Ticket Overview.

  • Type : Select the type

  • Send Reminder : Defined in business days (weekends are excluded) when reminder emails should be sent to the Actor to accomplish the task assigned to him.

  • Resend every : Defined in business days how often the reminder should be send. When set to 1, the reminder is sent every day until the actor has completed the process step. This option becomes visible when a value is selected in the field 'Send Reminder'.

  • Escalation : Defined in business days (weekends are excluded) when escalation emails should be sent, SSP 7 allows 2 escalation levels and will send an escalation email. Once a step has been escalated a new person becomes the actor of the step and reminders to the original actor are no longer sent.

  • Resend every : Defined in business days how often the reminder to the escalation actor should be send.

  • Auto-close after : This is defined in business days (weekends are excluded), SSP 7 will automatically close the current step and complete the action defined in the option "When step is auto closed".

  • When step is auto closed : This list gives the option to select what happens when the process step is closed due to a time-out as configured under "Auto-close after". In case "Close ticket completely" is selected, the process will close immediately. In case the option "Continue to next step" is selected, the process will continue without the step being completed. In case a Decision step is defined right after the timed-out step, the Time-Out path of the decision step will be followed, giving the possibility to send emails or close pending tickets due to the time-out. NOTE: In case of an Approval step, the path 'Approved' is also followed!!

  • Messages function: Select how messages typed on the process detail page should be processed. The Normal option is default and will add the messages to the currently active step. When set to hidden, no message box is available. When set to an external adapter, it is possible to define an external update and an additional section is added to the Wait step. For more information see the explanation of that section below.

  • Responsible group: When a Group is select, the members of this group can follow a ticket at any step (with read rights). A view can also be set up to list tickets where the group is set as "responsible group". For instructions on how to configure a view with "responsible group" see the section on View type: Tickets

  • Add 'Upload file' field : When this checkbox is set, it is possible to add an attachment to the message form. This gives users the possibility to add attachments to their message.

  • Visible For : Select the Roles that are allowed to see this step on the Overview Page. Select 'All' to select all roles, or define individual roles.

  • Admin documentation : this text area allows the administrator to enter any text, that explains how the process works. This information is never shown to the end user. If anything is entered, an icon is added to the step in the first tab. On mouse-over, the test is displayed.

Step : Translations

Click on the title 'Translations' to add information for this Step.

  • Information English : Define what information should be displayed on the process overview page for the current process step. Fill in the short description in English.

  • Name & Information Other Languages : Fill in the appropriate values for the other languages, as set in SSP 7.

The step information will be displayed like this:

To show the history of previous steps (approvals etc) on the process overview page for the current process step insert #REPLACE-STEP-LOG-Process Log# at the bottom of the Information box.

Step: Initial Email

Click on the title 'Initial Email' to define the email notification for Action Steps.

SSP 7 includes a standard set of email Templates. The "Use default template" option is selected by default in this process step. In case a custom email or custom email template is required, the drop down value should be changed. The email can be defined only for this step 'Step Specific' or a custom Template can be selected.

  • To go with the default template, defined for this kind of step, select 'Use default template'.

  • To select a template, as defined in this process, select an entry under 'Process templates'. Embedded email templates are also copied over when using the Release Manager.

  • To select one of the defined custom e-mail templates, select the name of the custom template, under 'Global Templates' that needs to be used.

  • To create a custom Email layout for this step select the option "Use step specific content" from the drop down list. The page will refresh and blank email template boxes will open for each installed language. We advise to limit the use of this option, as maintenance can become quite a task, for example if your company's logo changes. Also consider using email layouts!


2 types of attachments can be added to an email defintion:

- Fixed : the attachment is always the same

- Dynamic : that attachment can be different based on parameters. The sources are : text files, PDF documents, CMC elements (Word or PDF)

Complete the following fields to define the attachments:

  • Add new fixed attachment : An attachment can be added to an email by clicking theclip0114button, locate the file on your PC or network. The attachment will always be included in the email message.

  • Add new Dynamic attachment : enter the name of the file to be generated & set the document location. Use the Dynamic field mapping to locate the definition of your PDF, text file or created CMC element (using previously entered fields). Click on ADD ATTACHMENT to add the file.

  • Subject Line English : Fill in the Subject line to be used in this email.

  • Main Copy English : Fill in the email body.

  • Subject Line & Main Copy other languages : Fill in the appropriate values for the other languages, as set in SSP 7.

Step: Escalation Email

Click on the title 'Escalation Email' to define the email notification that is sent when the escalation deadline has been reached. This option is only available when the escalation levels in the General Settings is set to a value. Email notification can utilize either existing template or manually defined.

See above for more details.

Step: Escalation Actor

Click on the title `Actor Settings` to define the Actor(s) to be notified in this step.

This section allows you to define the Actor to whom the notification will be sent to. By selecting additional actors you have the option to send notifications to more than one person.

See chapter below 'Actor Settings' to learn how to set an Actor.

Step: Actor Settings

Click on the title `Actor Settings` to define the Actor(s) to be notified in this step.

This section allows you to define the Actor to whom the notification will be sent to. By selecting additional actors you have the option to send notifications to more than one person.

  • Address Book : select a value from the Address Book. The Address Book is managed in the DataStore. When selected, a second drop down field will be filled with the addresses.

  • Lookup : Use this option to select a value from a form. Select the form in which the desired field is available. This will open a list of fields from that form. Select the desired field from the list.

  • Previously Entered Field : The second drop down will show all fields from the process. Select the appropriate field.

  • Requestor : This option allows you to send this email to the Requester, that is the person who filled in the form.

  • Multiplier Step : If this Notification step is advanced by a Multiplier (so this Step needs to be multiplied x-times, as defined in the Multiplier step), the choice of the Actor needs to be of the type Multiplier Step. You will then be able to select the related items to the Multiplier Step.

  • Group : Use this option to select a group that was defined in Persons & Accounts / Groups.

  • Same as previous step: This is a quick way to set repeating actors in a process.

  • Variable: If an actor is set in a variable, this option will set the actor using this variable. The section on Variables can be found here.

  • Ticket assignee: The current assigned person or group in a ticket (only when using the Ticketing module).

Click on ADD to add this new Actor to the list.

  • Current list of actors: This list shows all previously assigned Actors for this step. The list contains the following information and controls:

    • Actor Type: Indicates the source of the Actor.

    • Actor Name: The Name of the Actor, or the indicating parameter.

    • Edit : Change the details of the selected Actor. • delete :

    • Delete the selected Actor from the list ..

Please ensure that there is always at least 1 Actor in the list ! SSP will not allow you to save this step when no actors are defined.

  • Fail-Over Email Address : In the event that no actors are found with a valid email address above the defined email notification will be sent to the Fail-Over Email Address.

  • Disable delegates for this step (configured actors input is required) : Use this option to disable any delegation by the assigned actor(s).

Step: Step Actions

Click on the title 'Step Actions' to define the actions for the Actor in this Step. Next Step actions provide the actor with available options for processing the Action Step.

Corresponding buttons for each selected Next Step actions are presented to the Actor when processing an Action Step. Clicking on the button will initial the Next Step action.

The Next Steps section contains a table with the following Next Step action information:

  • Label : The label of the button, that is presented to the Actor.

  • Action : Description of the Action that occurs when this button is selected by the Actor.

  • Visible : Is this button visible for the Actor?

  • Order : Change the Order of the buttons.

  • Actions: Delete : Delete the selected Button from the list .

Each Action step had 4 default Next Step Actions:

  • SUBMIT : When all required fields are filled in, the work flow will move to the following step. This is following the normal flow, without skipping any steps.

  • DELEGATE : An Actor can decide to give ownership of this task to one of his selected Delegates. Delegates are defined in 'My Profile'.

  • CANCEL : No input is stored in SSP 7. Closing the browser window will also cancel the page.

  • ADDITIONAL INFO : The Actor requests more information from the Requester. When submitted the Requester receives an email with the comments entered by the Actor.

You can define more buttons.

- Label: Enter a Label for the action. e.g. Resubmit form.

- Available for: Choose who can see this option.

- Action: Choose the action you wish to apply for this Action step

Options for Actions:

  • Add remark : add a remark (note) to the ticket

  • Change Actor : show the user the selection to change the actor

  • Change request form : allow the actor or any other assigned person to change the original request form

  • Go to : Jump to another step

  • Interrupt : Interrupt this step. A specific path can be defined in case of interruption

  • Print : Print the ticket

  • Redirect to url : Guide the user to another URL, this can be outside of SSP.

  • Use Form Changed Email : Check the option Use Form Changed Email that will send an email to the Actor notifying him/her when the form is resubmitted and his input is required. This is valid when the action 'Change request form' is selected.

  • Form change by : The option Form change by allows to define who should resubmit the form: the Requester or the Current actor. This is valid when the action 'Change request form' is selected.

  • Form Change Profile: You can define a Form Change Profile to be used. This will define which fields can be modified by the actor of this step. For instructions on how to set up a Form Change Profile see the appropriate section. This is valid when the action 'Change request form' is selected.

  • Target step: Next, select a step in the current process listed in the drop down selection. The work flow will be directed to this step if this action is selected. You can select any step either before or after the current step in the process.

Step: Overnight Reporting

Overnight reporting is used to export process information when certain process steps have been executed. By default no reporting is activated. To activate a report for the current step set the option Run Overnight Report to true.

Time (GMT +1) : Define the time on which this report should run.

RUN NOW : Run the report now.

Template : Select the template that should be used for this report. The reports are defined on the general settings page of the Process.

Type : Select the report type; available options are Excel or XML files. XML files are more convenient for importing and interfacing into other software applications. Excel format is easier to create custom reports. Check the `Make compatible for bulk uploads` option to have a file created that will be compatible for uploads. This will allow assigned users to complete the overnight report with the needed fields in this step. Please note that all needed fields are added by default to the report, if marked to be compatible with bulk uploads. If you would add them anyhow, this will result in duplicate columns in that report.

Addressee (email address) : Define the receiver of the report. A valid email address is required here.

Subject Line : Define the subject line of the email that is sent when the report is run. Variables can be used as dynamic data in the topic. See the chapter on dynamic values below for more information.

Main Copy : Define the body of the email message. Variables can be used as dynamic data in the body. See the chapter on dynamic values below for more information.

Last updated