
The Translations page offers a view on Translations. The parameter-settings can not be edited by the administrators, but you can edit the individual translations.

The parameter is loaded with all common labels ( like buttons, links, ... ) of the SSP 7 interface. The translations are all loaded when SSP 7 is installed. You can edit translations as you please, to reflect a better translations, or to be more inline with the policy of your organization.

You can not add new labels, as they are coded into SSP. To translate specific data, like fields in forms, the necessary fields are presented when editing those parts.

Edit Translations

The different options of the page are:

Use the Search to find the labels.

  • Category: Enter a Category to further fine tune the search. This is optional.

  • Name : Enter the name of the label. This Name is not the label as it is shown to the User, but the internal code. Example: InvalidUsernamePassword

  • Value : Enter the translation in English, as it is shown to the User.

  • The green & red lights indicate if a translation is entered. Green means translation is entered, red means that there is no translation present.

  • Click on any language to change the translations for all languages.

Last updated