Release 7.21.07



  • Querying the datastore in Oracle using an empty value didn't work in some cases because of the empty_clob value




  • Smart dropdown in combination with filters and repeatable sections sometimes lost it's value



  • Because dates have less precision on Oracle, the current active actor sometimes was not the correct one

  • When updating a variable using it's name (via JavaScript or via the webservice), only the first occurence of the variable in a ticket was updated. As it is possible that one ticket has multiple variables with the same name (eg when using sub processes), from now on all variables in a ticket with that name will be updated



Custom widgets

Using the Studio module, you are now able to build your own widgets for the ticket detail screen. The content of the widget can be customized per ticket as you'll have the ticket id available. You can specify the location of the widget on the screen, whether it needs to be refreshed when the ticket is updated and some more options are available. As the widget is a studio application, you can also use roles to specify which users will be able to see the widget. You can for example show a list of other open tickets for the logged in user, or show some specific info about the current ticket, or show a button that does a specific action, ...


  • When the status of a ticket was "updated", and something happened so it was "updated" again, then the related actions (eg send updated mail) will be executed from now on

  • There's a new (default disabled) task to clear the assigned to person of a ticket when that person no longer belongs to the assigned to person group: Clear ticket assigned to person when no member of assigned group



  • Added more functions to the ServiceCatalogInterface, please see the wiki:

  • You can now specify a custom location for the public UI. Using the Studio module a custom public UI can be developed.

  • You can now search for owner deputy and service manager using the filters on the service overview page

  • You can now define tags on services

  • You can now define a display value for selection fields. Only the key value will be saved in the database, the display value will be resolved when needed

  • Where you were able to use calculations (NCalc) in the template settings (eg default values for fields), you are now able to choose between "Plain text", "NCalc" or "JavaScript"

  • We now have the option to show or hide fields (eg based on the value of another field)

  • While editing a template, the tabs are now shown in real tabs instead of below each other



Last updated